Physical Education

The goal of my program is to teach students to develop healthy living habits that will last a lifetime. Students participate in a wide variety of activities, sports, and challenges that will increase their physical, social, and mental abilities, as well as teamwork and cooperation skills. Every class has a stretching/fitness component and a cardiovascular activity. I provide a safe, fun, and motivating class that will encourage all students to want to participate, have fun and try their best.

Here are some things that will help make PE as fun and SAFE as possible this year:

  1. Everyone MUST wear sneakers for safety on their PE days!
  2. Girls should wear shorts under dresses if they have PE that day.
  3. If a student has a medical condition or injury, please send a note/medical excuse.

Students will be assessed throughout the year on various skills and content taught. I have attached the grading rubric I will be using which makes up your child’s grade.

I continuously set clear expectations for the students in each class to help them become lifelong movers! If you ever have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school, stop by, or email me at