5th Grade
What We're Learning: September 2024
Reading: This month we will begin to develop fifth grade reading habits. These will include building reading stamina, thinking deeply about the texts, and responding to reading by writing about it.
Writing: This month we will begin to develop fifth grade writing habits. These will include developing writing stamina, writing reading responses, and creative writing.
Math: This month we will review and reinforce our understanding of place value building upon fourth grade knowledge to become fifth grade experts.
Social Studies: This month we will set realistic, meaningful goals for academic learning and social relationships.
Home Connection
Practice your multiplication facts.
- Homework: Even the most responsible 5th graders still need adult support with their homework. Please help make sure your student:
- checks Google Classroom for their homework assignments
- reads 40 min. each day
- completes their assignments - including Lexia
- The school day starts promptly at 8:10 a.m. Please ensure that your child is in the gym no later than 8:05 a.m.
- Please use our website, ps343.org, as a resource.
Important Dates
Thursday, September 5th: First Day of School
Monday, September 9th: Beacon After-School Begins
Monday, September 16th (6pm): IN PERSON Back to School Night
Friday, September 20th (6pm): Parent Association Meeting / School 10th Anniversary Celebration
Contact Your Teacher
Ms. Aucapina maucapina@ps343.org Text Ms. Aucapina
Ms. Rabin srabin@ps343.org Text Ms. Rabin
Ms. Verde everde@ps343.org Text Ms. Verde
Ms. Ramirez jramirez@ps343.org Text Ms. Ramirez