5th Grade
What We're Learning: February 2025
Reading & Writing
This month, we will keep learning about short stories. Readers will pay close attention to how authors use special writing tricks like figurative language, foreshadowing, and building tension to make their stories exciting. In writing, students will talk about what they read and give examples to support their ideas.
In math this month, we will focus on multiplying and dividing numbers. We will use tools like fraction bars, arrays, and grids to help solve problems with fractions and decimals. We will also learn how to use multiplication and division to solve measurement problems.
Social Studies
This month, we will learn about Westward Expansion and how it helped shape America today. We will read different books and learn about various authors to discover more about Westward Expansion and the important stories of Native Americans that are often not told.
Home Connection
- Math Tip: When you multiply fractions by a whole number, follow these steps:
- Turn the whole number into a fraction (for example, 5 becomes 5/1).
- Multiply the fractions together.
- Simplify the fraction if you can.
Manifest Destiny is the belief that the United States was meant to grow and spread democracy and capitalism all over North America. This idea was used to explain why Native Americans were forced to leave their homes.
Important Dates
Wednesday, February 5: World Read Aloud Day and a Workshop for Parents on Ages and Stages of Child Development at 8:30 AM
Friday, February 7: Parent Association Meeting and Scholastic Book Fair at 6:00 PM
Saturday, February 8: Scholastic Book Fair at 10:00 AM
Friday, February 14: 100th Day of School
Monday, February 17 to Friday, February 21: Midwinter Recess - Schools Closed
Thursday, February 27: Trip Day! We will visit Queens College- Colden Auditorium
Contact Your Teacher
Ms. Aucapina maucapina@ps343.org Text Ms. Aucapina
Ms. Rabin srabin@ps343.org Text Ms. Rabin
Ms. Verde everde@ps343.org Text Ms. Verde
Ms. Ramirez jramirez@ps343.org Text Ms. Ramirez